0208 304 0997
Tracy Thorne Estates
Free valuation


Why buy through Tracy Thorne Estates?

We know many buyers think they are not ‘clients’ as they don’t pay our fee!

At Tracy Thorne Estates that is SIMPLY NOT THE CASE.

We treat buyers to our expert service, our kind, honest & very approachable staff are her here to help you find your perfect home and more importantly, we promise to keep in touch and keep on trying until we succeed in handing you the keys to your new home.

We will tell you all about the local area, the exciting things that are on offer ie clubs, schools, theatres, shops, cinemas, restaurants, pubs, roads, and all transport.

We will help you set your price by assisting you in your finance.

We look at your ‘must haves’ and ‘must not haves’.

We accompany all your viewings so we can answer any questions you may have.

We discuss your thoughts after a viewing in order to help you make the right offer and also just in case the property wasn’t just quite right to make sure that next time we find you your perfect home.

Frequently asked questions?

How do we register with you?

We are here to advise you on the local area but more importantly to help you find that dream home – don’t just go onto the website – contact us for more information about our properties – we may even have a property that is not quite ready for marketing but that would be perfect for you and that way we can make sure you don’t miss out!

Yes we may ask a lot of questions when you first register with us but surely you understand the need for this?  We try to let our vendors know that our prospective buyers are in the best possible position if their property is the one you want.  We don’t want you to be disappointed any more than them!

The best thing to do is give us a call, of course we are happy to call you back to save your bill and this is not a two minute process.  This is probably one of the most important conversation we will have with you!

To register we will need to know the following information:

  1.  Your contact details, phone, email, address and those of any other people involved in the purchase
  2.  What type of property you wish to buy (eg. flat, house, bungalow)
  3.  How many bedrooms, bathrooms, living rooms you require, whether you need outside space, car parking
  4.  Where you need to be located, town, countryside, close to transport links, station, bus routes
  5.  What is your budget and is it flexible
  6.  When you need to move by
  7. How long you have been living in your current property, why you are moving and at what is your current situation (you may be renting and therefore we need to know at what stage is your current tenancy or you may have a property to sell), of course we can help with that too!
  8. If you have looked into the financial part of the transaction just to be sure you know all the costs involved and whether you have already been agreed your finances via a bank or mortgage advisor
  9. If you have considered what solicitor/conveyance you may be using

We do take this very seriously and understand not everyone’s situation is that simple so we will spend as long on that phone call to you as you need to make sure we can help you in any way that we can.

We can answer any questions you may have for us on that call?

Once you are fully registered we can then introduce you to all the properties we have available and we can then organise your viewings to find  exactly what you are looking for?

If however, we don’t have anything suitable for you, we will put you onto our database so we can let you know straight away once the right property becomes available.

Please let us know the best way to contact you, we want to let you know as soon as possible and make sure you are the first to view that perfect property!

We won’t bombard you with loads of calls, because we know what you are looking for and will make sure that call is the right one to encourage you to view the right property.  We don’t want you to miss out on your new dream home!

We always try and accommodate the viewing times you require, however, please try to make these within our office hours wherever possible.

Mon – Thurs 9am – 6.45pm

Fri – 9am – 6pm

Sat – 9am – 5pm

Out of hours viewings may be available, subject to advanced notice.

We understand that sometimes you may be delayed or unable to attend a booked appointment but please let us know as soon as possible if you are delayed or need to cancel or re-arrange.

What happens at the viewing and afterwards?

We will of course accompany any viewings you may have and therefore be able to answer any questions you may have about the local area and amenities and also all about the current vendor’s situation and timescale.

Hopefully we will find you your dream property and once you have decided you would like to move forward we can discuss the price you are prepared to pay for the property.

At that point we would ask you to show us any financial agreement you may have in principle and your proof of deposit or full funds if the purchase is cash and also any information you have at that point regarding the solicitor/conveyance you will be using.

There may of course be other interested parties and that is why it is so important for you to be ready to proceed should your offer be accepted.

We will speak to the vendors on your behalf and also confirm in writing to you any offer you have made and if it has been accepted or not.

What happens if the vendor accepts the offer?

Dependant on the vendor’s situation we will always try to get some sort of prospective date for moving as a timescale to work towards, although this can always change if circumstances alter along the way.

If you have not instructed a solicitor we are able to recommend one for you and if you accept their quote you will need to provide ID and complete information forms.

All parties details will be taken and Sales Memorandums sent out.


So what happens next?

If you require finance then it will be necessary to have a survey which you will arranged through your mortgage lender. This is to provide the mortgage lender with a separate valuation along with a report to identify any structural defects. It is advisable to instruct them as soon as possible as there may be a delay in getting the appointment scheduled. You will have to pay a fee for this service which is not refundable should you change your mind or if the valuation or structural report is not adequate for you lender. Once the mortgage lender is satisfied with the survey valuation and report, the mortgage lender with send you and your solicitor a formal mortgage offer for you to sign in readiness for exchange of contract.

The vendor’s solicitors will send a contract pack to your solicitor which will include draft contracts and the legal title of the property. Your solicitor will investigate the title and verify the legal title of the property. A fee is payable to your solicitor, held on account to cover initial costs. Now your solicitor will apply for any necessary local authority searches: relevant planning applications; building control history; restrictions on permitted developments; nearby road schemes.

When all enquires have been satisfactorily answered and all the searches are complete, a deposit will need to be transferred to the vendor’s solicitor in advance of the exchange. This is usually 10% of the asking value, but this will depend on where you are in the chain. It is possible to put an Indemnity Insurance in place if you are further up the chain and your money is tied into the equity of your property.

What happens when all parties are ready to exchange?

Both the seller and buyer will be contacted by their solicitor and contracts will be sent to each for signing. Each solicitor will confirm with each other that they are in receipt of the signed contract a completion date can now be agreed. Once all parties involved in the chain are equally ready, then the solicitors will proceed to exchange contracts. A telephone call is made and the terms of exchange are agreed and the contracts are dated and signed. The contract is now legally binding and the completion date is now set in place. No change to the agreement or withdrawal is now possible without incurring a financial penalty.

What happens to confirm completion and after completion?

The solicitors will now send confirmation in writing to you the buyer and the seller’s solicitor to confirm exchange. A bank transfer will be sent to the seller’s solicitor and your solicitor will obtain a signed Transfer Deed along with any other legal documents.

A Final Statement of Account will be drawn up by your solicitor detailing all monies that have been paid on your behalf i.e. searches, along with their charges.

The property becomes yours once funds have cleared in your buyer’s solicitor’s account and the solicitor will confirm this with a phone call.

We the estate agent will also be informed so that we can now release the keys to you, the proud new owners of your property.

Your solicitor will arrange for any stamp duty to be paid and register the transfer of ownership at the Land Registry.

What happens on moving day?

We will try to confirm what happens with keys on exchange of contracts but if that is not possible we will confirm as soon after exchange as possible.

We also know it’s not always that easy to come to our offices to collect the keys although we would love to see you to say congratulations and wish you all the best.

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